Reading Rangers Story Trail

Trail Stats

Distance: 0.3 Miles - Loop
Trail Material: Dirt
Skill Level: Easy
Wheelchair Accessible: No
Pets: No


Hidden near the back of the Couchville/Area 2 parking lot, this unique trail is designed for families and combines the love of reading with outdoor exercise.

Each year the park chooses a children's story book, and the pages are enlarged and placed at intervals along the trail. The short trail also has a nice sampling of Long Hunter's well-known features: sinkholes, limestone glades and oak-hickory forest. Rare wildflowers found along the trail include Tennessee Coneflower, Long-styled Glade Cress, Nashville Breadroot, Glade Savory and Limestone Fameflower. Birds such as Summer Tanagers and Eastern Wood-Pewee are heard here.


Designed By: Gemini Production Group